
How did you attract/ address your audience?

With the audience research I conducted, I found out that the most common genre of film people like were films that allow you to escape, in particular romances. My film is not a typical romance film, but the idea is very romanticised, and it certainly allows escapism, and at the end a feel-good solution; audiences tend to know the topic of the film before going to watch it, and as such this genre would attract a range of people, from those who like the escapism of sci-fi, to those who enjoy the escapism of romantic films. This is partially because, during my audience research, I found out that most people like a fairly slow-paced introduction with only one or two characters, that doesn't leave them reeling from the amount of information they've had to process, and my opening does this, hopefully attracting the audience to keep watching.

The opening itself also serves to attract an audience by hooking them in, forcing them to question the connection between the two story worlds we see in the introduction. In the audience research, most people agreed that they only like to be introduced to one or two characters in the introduction, a suggestion I have stuck to, because it allows them to become familiar with the characters. One person said they enjoy being able to grow with the characters as well, which would certainly be possible in my film, where the audience go on the protagonist's journey with her. It also gives them something to relate to; the normal 9-5 working day, waiting for the train and going to work, which addresses them directly, as they could perhaps envision themselves in a very similar position. 

However, the main connection any audience would have with her is this desire to leave everything behind, and find out more about the world and a different path of life. This wanderlust is something that many people in the audience would have felt, and as such, they can hopefully relate to her. The idea of travelling is enforced by the images which are clearly not from where she is now, and this hopefully entices the audience to watch the rest of the film. It also addresses them; if they want to travel, this will talk to them personally. This is why the film could be seen as a feel-good film too, because it sees a normal person become different, change their life around, thus causing an audience to believe that it is possible for anyone. Films that show an ordinary person change their lives around tent to attract audiences, because they allow escapism on a possible level; one of the topics that came up in my audience research was escapism, one of the reasons audiences choose to watch a particular film.

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