
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Palm Pictures produces, acquires and distributes innovative music and film projects with a particular focus on the DVD format. Palm has positioned itself as a leader in the converging music and film markets, placing an emphasis on projects like music documentaries, arthouse & foreign cinema, and music videos. This company distributed “New York, I Love You” which isn't similar to my concept, but has themes that could be, and also is very art-house in style.

Focus Features is the art house films of Universal Pictures, and acts as both a producer and distributor for its own films and a distributor for foreign films. This company distributed “Billy Elliot” and “Lost in Translation”, which have similar concepts to those found in my film.

Momentum Pictures
Momentum Pictures a leading independent motion picture distributors in the UK and Ireland and releases approximately 20 theatrical films a year, with several stv releases. The fact that it has previously distributed films such as “Amelie” make it a suitable distributor for my film, which is in a similar style to both.

Ideally, I would choose to use Momentum Pictures to distribute my film, because it has a similar feel to many of their films.This company is also one of the most successful in the industry, and as such, my film would therefore have more chance of being successful. However, Palm pictures would also be a good choice because it is becoming a leader, but is not one yet, and so there would be a higher chance of being able to distribute my film with them. They also focus more specifically on the ArtHouse style.

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