
Film Pitch Feedback

Good Points:
  • It sound new- good.
  • Arty, very different to what e see regularly. Make sure you show there is a market for this type of film (Cinema City/ Village screen)
  • Opening sequence, 7 days 7 different shots of same routine etc, reinforces idea, good.
  • Spoke clearly and well.
Bad Points:
  • Powerpoint would have been good to aid presentation.
  • More indication of potential audience/ audience research needed to help "sell" the idea.
From this feedback I decided to carry out more audience research. I have some preliminary research already completed, and I need to put this information in a clear form so I can tell more easily which type of film in popular anhd what would sell a film to an audience more.  I'm going to do some more indepth research soon, and get that on my blog.

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