
Opening Details

How I am starting my film will be with a black screen and some softish music, fading into my production comapny title and logo, just for a few seconds. After this, the screen will fade to black again, and once more fade in to an image of a woman stnading at the window and opening the curtains. This static shot will last for probably 1.5 seconds, and this shot will be repeated seven times, with the woman opening the curtains over and over as if on different days. This will be followed by the woman picking up keys seven times of different deays, folowed by a sequence of her on a train, probably sitting in the same seat, but wearing different clothyes in each shot to show the passing of time. We'll then see her in a queue for coffee, moving closere to the bar with each of the seven shots. This willl be followed by her eating her lunch on the seafront possibly, which is near where she may work. After this, we'll see seven more shots of her walking down the beach in the same clothes as the previous sequences, but getting further and further away from the camera, so we assume she goes on this walk each day. It would aslo be a good note to fade the screen to black on, as she disappears up the beach, but I'm not sure how long this sequence will be overall; if it's significantly under 2 min utes, I would need to extend it beyond the shot of her walking away, possibly by shots of her putting her keys back down at home, and then sighing and sitting down/ almost collapsing on the sofa, just oncea tthe end of the opening, to show how she is bored of her life.

For actors, I would ideally like to use a woman around 30, but as of yet I am not sure if I will have access to someone like this, and I may have to use someone younger, which would not be as good, as we wouldn't get a proper idea of the pattern that she has fully settled in to.

I would need, for this opening, a house overlooking somewhere fairly rural probably, a train, a coffee shop or hut, and the beach, which should all be fairly doable.
This is a shot of Sheringham beach, where I'd consider filming the beach scenes.

I'd quite like the coffee hut to be an outside one, not very permanent looking, as this would both be less hassle to fim, and more visually interesting to film. There are several huts like these on beach fronts and so they're easily accessible.

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