
Production Titles and Logo

Name of Production Company: I haven't really thought much about my company name yet, but it should probably be something personal to myself to disitnguish from other companines. That woulod mean basing my company name around my own name probably...
On the other hand, if I were to think of something not based around my own name that sounded good, I'd be ahhpy to use that.

I quite like the name "Workhouse Productions", and for this I might have my logo just as a workhouse with perhaps some steam coming out of one of the chimneys; it's quite a ismple idea but one that would probably work quite well.

I also quite like "Henhouse Productions" as it's different to other company names, and would give my company more individuality. For I would find a line drawing of a henhouse, or similar, and have the title appearing in an interesting way across the image.
I'd be looking at using a line drawing similar to the one above as it's simple and different.

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