
Another change of plans


Having thought some more about how my opening is actually going to look on screen, and how the audience are going to react, I have decided to change it yet again. I am going to have the same basic idea, but slightly changed.

After two screens of opening credits, I'm going to have my main character waking up, responding to an alarm, The second shot will now be someone who is NOT the main character opening curtains to an amazing view, followed by a shot of my main character opening her own curtains- or possibly blinds- on somewhere dull. Then I'll have a shot of an aeroplane or something similar in the sky, followed by my character leaving her house. It'll go on like this, contrasting between her boring and dreary life, and all of the other things she might rather be doing. Each shot with her in will show her in different clothes, to keep the idea of her living her life day to day.
This interspersion of interesting and dull activities should make the introduction less boring, and it should also fit in with the story and continue the idea that she is dissatisfied with her life.

I'll make a storyboard next to explain all of these confusing ideas better!

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