
Thinky things

Considering different ways to edit the opening, I think that maybe the titles should all appear at once to stop the whole things looking disjointed; they'll appear one after the other now, instead of between shots, except the last title, which will still appear at the end.

I've also thought about starting off each shot slowly, with quite a lot of time on each shot, perhaps 4 seconds, and speeding the shots up after each sequence; i.e the next shots will become 3.5 seconds, then 3, then 2.5, and finally 2, to make it seem as if her life is rushing past; even if this change of shot doesn't directly click with the audience, it would be more interesting and effective than simply repeating exactly the same sequence over and over again. Similarly, the music will also start off fairly slowly and then speed up to match the pace of the editing, to perhaps create a little more interest for the viewer.  The shots listed in the previous post are most likely going to be the shots I will use, but I may see something that I particularly want to, or don't want to include when I get to the location in person; I've looked at it over the internet, but not in person yet.

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