

I will be filming throughout the next week, until thursday the 17th. On each day, I'm hoping to get several shots and be done with the shots that I need from England by Saturday evening. From the sunday, I will be in France, and I'm going to try to film a shot out of the airplane window, or at least of a plane in the sky/. I'd also like to get film of people skiing, in a bar, and generally having  a bit of fun, to contrast the boredom that my main character is feeling.

I hope the introduction doesn't get too confusing; I'll have a shot of her going about her daily life, then a shot of something she'd rather be doing, filmed using unrelated people, back to another shot of her. Each shot of her will show her in different clothes to emphasise the fact that she's got the same routine for every day.

I also have had to change the scene at the beach to a scene at the river, because of complications with the camera and also the cast.

Some of the places I am considering using for this include:

Wymondham Train Station
 Tignes in France
 The river Tiffy in Wymondham

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